It may be unbelievable  that a senior  All India Service  Officer will  make an aggression on the   authority  of  a governor of a state in Indian Union.But  Sri Jiji Thomson,the present Chief Secretary of Kerala state,who  entered the All India Service in the year 1980 with IDNo01KL013000,stealthly earned a dubious distinction by this act.  When he,an accused in the palmolien case, was appointed as the Chief Secretary there were protests from various quarters on the ground of his questionable integrity.The former Chief Minister and the present Opposition Leader Sri VS Achuthanandan spearheaded these protests.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             The aggression against the authority of the Rajbhavan of Kerala was made by this AIS officer  Sri Jiji Thomson, as he was offended by the direction of the Governor to give appropriate consideration to the memorandum submitted by this narrator on behalf of Advocates of Trivandrum praying for natural jusice and fairness in the appointment of members of Administrative Tribunals in India.When this narrator with leaders of Forum of Advocates for Justice met the Governor in the month of October 2014 he was positively inclined to the suggestions in the memorandum as it imbibed the spirit of the judgement of the full Bench of Supreme Court in the case Union of India vs R Gandhi.Incidently,the Governor of Kerala Sri P Sathasivam was also a  member judge in the full Bench which delivered this landmark judgement. The angst of Sri JijiThomson over the direction of the Governor was due to the fact that  the nominationof his former senior colleague in service Sri K Jose Cyriac will have to be rejected if the direction of Sri P Sathasivam was strictly followed.Hence he took a treacherous step of intimating the Union ministry that the Governor of Kerala has rejected the above memorandum and that he has decided not to pursue any action on the matter in this memorandum. This stealth and stanky operation of war on the authority of the governor by Sri Jiji  was revealed when this narrator resorted to the most powerful weapon of citizens of India -the RTI ACT 2005.The connivance of Sri Jose Cyriac the appointee as the member of KAT who is the benerficiary of this fraud committed by Sri Jiji is only a very distant possibility though it cannot be absolutely ruled out.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The grave offences committed by the high -notch celebrities in the beaurocracy and the political erena are treated very lightly by the law enforcing authorities and media of Kerala .The incidenceof filing a document before the Kerala Administrative Tribunal  by a senior officer of the Finance Department of Kerala marking the signature of the former chief secretary Sri EK Bharath Bhushan was ignored by the authorities as the final judgement relying on the forged document was against the interest of the more than five lakh state govt employees and favouring the Govt..It is also known to the enlightened citizens of kerala that even the master document of kerala was forged by sri V Krishnamoorthy then chief Secretary of Kerala while administering the oath of office of the ministers  to the members of the Cbinet headed by Sri AK Antony.  High-notch sovereigns of kerala has been enjoying immunity from the criminal judicial process and perhaps the present Chief Secretary of Kerala Sri Jiji thomson may  also be expecting  such immunity from the process of law.He may be considering that the Rajbhavan is an office of no consequence.and this may be the reason for discarding the direction of the Rajbhavan with regard to the action  on the   memorandum  mentioned above and distorting this direction of the Governor Sri P Sathasivam by 180 degrees to favour his senior colleague Sri K  Jose Cyriac,. By this vfoulplay this IAS officer man known to be deficit in scruples is waging war against the Constitutional head of state-the Governor- enjoying the cosy comforts of the chamber of the hief Secretary in the state Secreteriat.He is gearing up the the state executive in its journey  to the promised proverbial marshy land of  banana republic.It is not known whether the eviction and demolition drive titled"Operation Anantha" of the Govt will go beyond flood mitigtion measures of Trivandrum city and take drastic steps to evict sri Jiji Thomson from the office of Chief Secretary of the state of Kerala to defend the Constitutional process of the nation threatened by him.The text of the representation in this score submitted to the Governor of KeralaBy this narrator is given below:


                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Advocate N Krishnaprasad


                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Secreteriat Aikyavedi(SAVE)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  TC29/97,Ganga Gardens,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  MKK Nair Road

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Pettah, Thiruvananthapuram.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    mobile 9446848821





Dated 8th day of June 2015,.



    The Hon,ble Governor  of Kerala and Former Chief Justice of India Thiru P Sathasivam                                                                                   

            RajBhavan ,Thiruvananthapuram  PIN:  695099


Sub:-   Ridiculing the authority of the RajBhavan of Kerala and commission of fraud  on the Constitutional Governance of the nation by the Chief Secretary                    of Kerala Sri Jiji Thomas-reg   

Ref:-        (1)  Letter No GS4-2391/2014 dated 20-19-2014 addressed to the Chief

                     Secretary of  Kerala from the Governor's Secreteriat of Kerala

               (2)  Letter No 23979/AR12(2)/2014/P&ARD dated 06-02-2015 dated 06-02-2015 from Sri Jiji Thomson,Chief Secretary of Kerala addressed to Sri A                 Asholi Chalai,Director(AT),Department of Personnel& Training,Govt of India,New Delhi (sopy enclosed)



 Most Honoured Governor,

       With profound respect and regard to the first Citizen and the ultimate defender  and upholder of the Constitutional values in the state of Kerala,I repectfully narrate below an outrageous act of the present Chief Secretary of Kerala Sri Jiji Thomson shaking the very foundation of the Constitutional governance of our beloved Republic,

     As per the order 1st cited  RajBhavan has forwarded my "Memorandum for natural justice and fairness in the appointment of administrative members of Administrative Tribunals in India" with complaint against the nomination of Sri Jose Cyriac  for this post in Kerala Administrative Tribunal(KAT) dated 28-09-2014 was forwarded to the Chief Secretary of Kerala on 29-10-2014  for appropriate consideration. This memorandum was in compliance of the principles enunciated by a full bench of Supreme Court of India comprising also your honour as a judge(Union of India v R Gandhi 2010), in the appointment of members of Administrative Tribunals

            It is very strange and deeply disturbing that the direction of your honour 1st cited dated 29-10-2014 was distorted by 180 degrees and a communication(2nd sited) was sent to the Union Ministry on 06-02-2015 by Sri Jiji Thomson, immediately after his assumption of office as the Chief Secretary of Kerala ,stating that "His Excellency the Governor of Kerala has seen the  memorandum (mentioned in prepara) and decided not to pursue the matter". This fraud was committed by Sri Jiji Thomson in order to deceive the Union ministry and procure the order of appointment to his former senior colleague Sri K Jose Cyriac, former chief Secretary of Kerala, as Administrative member of Kerala Administrative Tribunal (KAT) and he has become successful in this evil venture.  By this act ,the Chief Secretary of Kerala has displayed his disloyalty and non allegiance to the Sovereign Republic of India and betrayed the faith and trust of the Raj Bhavan of Kerala on him.This dishonest and fraudulent conduct of Sri Jiji Thomson, perhaps may not make him eligible to be an inmate of the Central Jail of Poojappura in Thiruvananthpuram due to the faulty criminal administration of justice in Kerala but it may render him ineligible to be the Chief Secretary of Kerala.

    The above wrong deliberately committed by the present Chief Secretary of Kerala is an insult of gargantuan scale unprecedented in the history of Indian Civil Service, and it will not be tolerated by the civilized society of India.  The scenario of a chief Secretary of Kerala enjoying the cozy comforts of his chamber in the state secretariat and waging war against the authority of the Governor of the state by stealth operations  is inconceivable to the democratic brains and minds of Kerala.

      As a proud citizen of Indian Republic I believe that the honour and dignity of the Governor of Kerala is the honour and dignity of each citizen of Kerala and vice versa. Hence I beseech my honorable Governor, a sterlingly judicial person of immense knowledge and wisdom, to  defend and uphold the honour of Rajbhavan of Kerala by taking appropriate action  against the above said IAS officer who has committed a wrong of the above scale unprecedented in pre colonial or post colonial  history of Indian Civil Service,


                        Yours faithfully


Copy to:

(1)       The Private Secretary to the President of India,Sri Pradeepkumar Gupta  Rashtrapthi Bhavan,New Delhi(He is requested to bring thismatter to the attention of The Hon'ble President)

                (2)       Sri A Asholi Chalai,Director,DoP&T,Room No 280A,North Block ,New Delhi 110001                                



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